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Sports for Climate Action: Racing Towards a Greener Future

Race to Zero

Sports for Climate Action: Racing Towards a Greener Future

In recent years, the global community has witnessed an escalating threat – climate change. In response to this, the UN Climate Change has initiated a groundbreaking movement, urging sports organisations to join the "Sports for Climate Action" campaign and start Racing Towards a Greener Future. This article delves into the objectives, principles, and targets of this movement, exploring how the sports industry can play a pivotal role in combating climate change.

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The Call to Action

Uniting for Climate Neutrality

Sports organisations are called to exhibit climate leadership by acknowledging and mitigating their climate footprint. The collective effort of these entities is envisioned to inspire broader climate action, extending beyond the confines of the sports sector.

Objectives of Sports for Climate Action

Global Trajectory for Climate Change Combat

The movement strives to set a clear trajectory for the global sports community to combat climate change. This involves commitments, partnerships, and adherence to verified standards in line with the Paris Agreement's well-below 2-degree scenario.

Sports as a Unifying Tool

Beyond numbers and measurements, the initiative recognises sports as a unifying tool to foster solidarity among global citizens for climate action.

Guiding Principles of Racing Towards a Greener Future

Consistency and Mutual Support

The Sports for Climate Action Initiative provides a platform for consistent and mutually supportive climate action. Participants are encouraged to learn from each other, disseminate good practices, and collaborate on common interests.

The Five Principles

Participants commit to five principles, incorporating them into strategies, policies, and procedures. This commitment is crucial for the long-term success and wider dissemination of the climate action message within the sports community.

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Collaborative Efforts

Invitation to Organisations

All sports organizations, regardless of their environmental initiatives' current stage, are invited to sign up for the Sports for Climate Action principles. Collaborative efforts aim to identify and spotlight climate solutions within the sports industry.

UN Climate Change Platforms

The UN Climate Change leverages existing platforms like NAZCA, Climate Neutral Now, and Momentum for Change to inspire action, track progress, and provide recognition for climate initiatives within the sports sector.

Targets and Requirements

Setting the Agenda

Sports for Climate Action signatories have successfully placed climate action on the sports industry's agenda. The commitment requires concrete actions, transparency, and immediate steps toward specific climate goals.

2030 and 2040 Targets

As part of the commitment, signatories are urged to achieve specific climate goals by halving emissions by 2030 and aiming for net-zero by 2040. These ambitious targets position sports as a pace-setting industry for climate action.

Responding to Scientific Consensus

Sports, in alignment with scientific consensus, recognise the need for deep and fast emission reductions to ensure a safer future. The focus is on the 2030 goal, with ongoing collaboration to determine the best course for achieving net zero by 2040.

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Targets and Requirements

Inclusive Sports Targets

All sports entities are invited to adopt common targets, ensuring a consistent and incentivized approach to climate action.

Pledge, Plan, Proceed, and Report

The commitment process involves pledging at the organisational level, issuing plans for emissions reductions, taking immediate action, and submitting annual public reports for credibility and maintaining signatory status.

Joining the Race to Zero

By adopting these targets, sports organisations officially join the "Race to Zero," a global campaign rallying leadership and support for a resilient, zero-carbon recovery that prevents future threats and unlocks sustainable growth.


In the race against climate change, the sports industry emerges as a powerful player. The Sports for Climate Action movement, with its principles, objectives, and targets, signifies a collective commitment to a greener and more sustainable future. As sports organisations embrace these goals, they not only contribute to a healthier planet but also inspire millions of fans worldwide to join the race towards a zero-carbon future.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. How can sports organisations measure their climate footprint?

  2. What are the benefits of sports organisations joining the Race to Zero?

  3. How can smaller sports entities with limited resources contribute to climate action?

  4. Why is the 2030 goal significant for sports organisations in the context of climate action?

  5. How does the Sports for Climate Action movement promote collaboration among sports organisations?

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