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Complying with UK Government's PPN 06/21, Sustainability and Government Contracts

Sustainability and Government Contracts PPN 06/21

In the ever-evolving landscape of government regulations, staying ahead is crucial, especially when bidding on UK central government public contracts valued at £5 million or more. The UK government's Public Procurement Notice (PPN) 06/21, issued on June 21st, 2021, introduces a pivotal requirement for entities bidding on such contracts. By September 30th, 2021, each bidder must be on the path to sustainability and measure their carbon footprint and establish a Net Zero target for 2050.

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Understanding PPN 06/21

Purpose and Significance

The primary objective of PPN 06/21 is to align businesses with the UK government's ambitious 2050 Net Zero goals, particularly focusing on decarbonizing the public sector. The government seeks assurance that businesses delivering high-value public sector contracts have sustainability integrated into their operations.

Compliance Steps

Step 1: Measure

To comply with PPN 06/21, the first step involves comprehensive measurement of carbon emissions. This includes Scope 1, 2, and a subset of Scope 3 emissions. Eight distinct types of emissions must be measured, ranging from direct emissions (Scope 1) to indirect emissions related to purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling (Scope 2).

Types of Scope 3 Emissions

  • Scope 3 Category 4: Upstream transportation and distribution

  • Scope 3 Category 5: Waste generated in operations

  • Scope 3 Category 6: Business travel

  • Scope 3 Category 7: Employee commuting

  • Scope 3 Category 9: Downstream transportation and distribution

Measurement and Reporting Standards

Ensure compliance by following specific standards:

  • Government-published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans

  • GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard

  • Use government-published emission conversion factors for greenhouse gases other than CO2.

Step 2: Reduce

The second step involves setting a Net Zero target for 2050. Targets can be absolute or based on intensity metrics such as Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) or revenue.

Step 3: Report

The final step requires detailed reporting on past, current, or intended carbon reduction projects. Illustrate how these projects contribute to carbon reductions against the base year.

Complying with PPN 06/21 is not merely a regulatory obligation; it is an opportunity to contribute to the broader sustainability goals. Businesses that embrace this challenge position themselves as leaders in environmental responsibility, potentially influencing the bidding process positively.

For a seamless journey toward compliance with PPN 06/21, consider reaching out to us. We are committed to assisting you in measuring, reducing, and reporting your carbon emissions effectively.

Carbon Literacy Training

Carbon Literacy Training is a great way to start your journey towards carbon net zero. It is a way to engage you staff and encourage then to help you identify ways to reduce your carbon emissions and very often reduce your business expenses.

To find out more about Carbon Literacy Training click here: Carbon Literacy Training


Special Offer to Businesses

We are keen to help as many people as possible become Carbon Literate. To make this financially viable for the businesses we will consider accepting payment for the training in the form of inventory or store gift cards. By doing this we reduce the cash expense to the business, move some inventory and we receive value for our efforts. For more information about this please contact me at

To find out more about Carbon Literacy Training click here: Carbon Literacy Training

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